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Stay tuned, comming soon!

Parallax and video backgrounds

Parallax and video backgrounds

With Mustang you can create fullwidth sections with parallax and video backgrounds that will look stunning and beautiful even on mobiles.

Unlimited skins

Unlimited skins

The theme comes packed with several predefined skins. However, you can create your own designs and save them to and external file for future reference.

Flexible CSS

Flexible CSS

The CSS stylesheet of this theme adapts to your needs. No more ugly code directly in the page HTML source! Everything in one file. And only what you really need!

Best value for money!

Best value for money!

With Mustang you get also couple of premium plugins bundled with the theme for free! Enjoy awesome content builder and sliders just for the price of the theme!

Custom widgets

Custom widgets

The theme comes bundled with several custom and useful widgets. Easy to use: just drag and drop them to any widget area you like.

Infinite scroll

Infinite scroll

The theme integrates with WordPress' Jetpack plugin, thus gives you all it's awesome features in your hands. Including Infinite Scroll - AJAX posts loading.

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Updated on 2014-04-12T19:35:20+02:00, by ergiemedia.